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National Defense

10 stories you don't want to miss

| Posted in Weekly Updates

Hey Folks, April was a busy month for me! I spent time speaking with constituents at a variety of different events in the district, received the Navy League’s Sea Services Award for my efforts on behalf of the Navy, promoted STEM and CTE programs, sponsored Chaplain Scott Foust to offer the opening prayer in the House of Representatives, and more. Check out my happenings in April…

VOTE NOW: The Iran Deal

| Posted in Press Releases

Friend- I want to know what you think. Should the President recertify the 2015 Iran Nuclear Deal? Yes No I Don’t Know Click here to take the poll. BACKGROUND: Following Israel’s claim this week that the Iran Nuclear Deal was “built on lies,” there has been speculation that President Trump will not recertify the 2015 Iran Nuclear Deal. The 2015 Iran Nuclear Deal is…

Weekly Update: Setting Defense Policy for 2019

| Posted in Weekly Updates

Weekly Update: Setting Defense Policy for 2019 Congressman Rob Wittman April 28, 2018 Every year, the House Armed Services Committee creates and brings to the floor the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). The NDAA, which is signed into law every year, directs policy and spending plans for the Defense Department. This week, the subcommittees of the House Armed Services…

Wittman Statement on Release of FY19 NDAA SPF Mark

| Posted in Press Releases

Wittman Statement on Release of FY19 NDAA SPF Mark WASHINGTON - Congressman Rob Wittman (VA-01), chairman of the Armed Services Subcommittee on Seapower and Projection Forces, released the following statement after the subcommittee published its proposals for the Fiscal Year 2019 National Defense Authorization Act: "As Russia and China grow their naval presence it is absolutely…

America's dangerous submarine shortage

| Posted in Opinion Pieces by Rob

America's dangerous submarine shortage Over the past few years, China has quietly improved the lethality and survivability of its attack submarines, building nine new nuclear attack submarines with quieter engines that will make Chinese submarines harder to locate and neutralize in a wartime scenario.Not to be outdone, Russia is embarking on its own modernization of its nuclear attack…

Wittman Receives Sea Services Award

| Posted in Press Releases

Wittman Receives Sea Services Award WASHINGTON – Congressman Rob Wittman (VA-01) was selected to receive the 2017 Congressional Sea Services Award by the National Capital Council of the Navy League. Each year, the council selects a member of Congress who has shown unparalleled support for the U.S. Navy, U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Coast Guard, and the U.S. Maritime Administration.…

Take the Poll: Should we send troops to the border?

| Posted in Press Releases

Friend- Last week, President Trump authorized the deployment of the National Guard to the southern border to aid Border Patrol in its mission. Following the President’s request—an approach also utilized by Presidents Bush and Obama—Secretary of Defense James Mattis formally authorized the funding for 4,000 National Guard troops. The President’s memo directing the National Guard to…

Wittman Advocates for a Bigger Navy

| Posted in Press Releases

Wittman Advocates for a Bigger Navy WASHINGTON – Congressman Rob Wittman (VA-01), released the following statement today after chairing the Seapower and Projection Forces Subcommittee hearing titled, 355 Ship Navy: Delivering the Right Capabilities: “Today, the Navy has finally acknowledged that not only will they seek to obtain a 355-ship Fleet, but they will achieve that by the…

Poll: Next steps in Syria

| Posted in Press Releases

Friend- Imagine being huddled with your family in a small dark place, taking cover as two rival military factions battle over your neighborhood. While you take shelter from conventional strikes and barrel bombs, you start to smell chlorine in the air, and you slowly begin to suffocate to death. This week, this exact scenario played out in Douma, Syria. At least 42 people died and…

Weekly Update: Process Makes Perfect

| Posted in Weekly Updates

Weekly Update: Process Makes Perfect By Rep. Rob Wittman March 31, 2018 The Constitution’s Appropriations Clause is the cornerstone to what we in Congress refer to as “the power of the purse.” Article I of the Constitution clearly states: “No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law.” Congress exercised that power just days ago. Last…