Welcome from Rob
My first and most important job is serving you. Here are some ways I can help.
My first and most important job is serving you. Here are some ways I can help.
Virginia's First District is home to one of the fastest growing veterans populations, and nearly 800,000 veterans call Virginia home. I have long believed that our men and women in uniform have earned our great respect through sacrifice and hardship, and we owe them a debt of gratitude for that service. America’s veterans deserve the highest quality medical care and most efficient delivery of benefits possible.
My office stands ready and willing to assist First District veterans with VA benefits issues or any other problem veterans may be facing. In addition, below are a number of resources veterans may find helpful. For more information about the Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008 (GI Bill), please visit: http://www.gibill.va.gov/ The Department of Veterans Affairs has founded a national suicide prevention hotline to ensure veterans in emotional crisis have free access to trained counselors. To learn more please visit http://www.mentalhealth.va.gov/ The Department of Defense has compiled a comprehensive handbook listing benefits for services members and their families upon separation or retirement as a result of serious injury or illness. The handbook describes the disability eligibility process, various program qualifications, application procedures, and numerous resources. For more information or an electronic copy of the handbook, please visit the following link: http://warriorcare.dodlive.mil/files/2015/10/FY2016-Compensation-and-Benefits-Handbook.pdf The Department of Veterans Affairs has created a new veteran health portal to optimize medical care. For more information, please visit http://www.myhealth.va.gov/ For the families of fallen veterans, you can visit American Gold Star Mothers, Inc.’s website to learn more information about what services they offer and what they can provide you. For the families of active duty members who are currently deployed, you can visit the website for Blue Star families and see what information that organization can provide you. |