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Fiscal Responsibility

September 12, 2011: Congressman Wittman's Weekly Washington Update

| Posted in Weekly Updates

It is time for a renewed approach of working together to instead put the power in your hands: the hands of hardworking Americans, small businesses and entrepreneurs who can lead the country out of this recession. Instead of more out-of-control spending, more taxes, and more regulation, Congress must work together for the opposite: a more responsible government, tax relief and freedom for small business owners across the country. By getting out of the way, Washington will allow job-creators to thrive so folks can get back to work.

September 2, 2011: Congressman Wittman’s Weekly Washington Update

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The consistent theme I’ve noticed when conducting town hall discussions, having individual meetings, and even just when talking with others in line at the grocery store is that folks are frustrated with Washington. This frustration, at least, shows that folks are alert and engaged with what’s going on in their government. This participation is vital as our nation faces such challenging issues.

August 8, 2011: Congressman Wittman's Weekly Washington Update

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I believe everything should be on the table as we curtail the government’s spending binge, but our nation’s defense spending should not be the first or only place we look to do this. To blindly cut our nation’s defense is shortsighted and could harm national security. I will fight to ensure our troops get the resources they need, while ensuring the Department of Defense is efficient with its funds, and cutting out waste fraud and abuse.

May 11, 2011: Congressman Wittman’s Weekly Washington Update

| Posted in Weekly Updates

I thought of the law enforcement officers who keep our communities safe every day and night, and the emergency first responders who we know will come to our call should we need their healing hands. These and many other exemplary citizens are the ones who take the lead in a crisis and are the first to approach difficulty when the natural reaction is to turn and run away. Without hesitation, they persevere and complete the most challenging tasks even when others have given up. And my sense is that too many in Washington, D.C. run in the wrong direction when faced with a crisis – Congress has a lot to learn from our Nation’s many public servants.