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Weekly Updates

August 8, 2011: Congressman Wittman's Weekly Washington Update

I believe everything should be on the table as we curtail the government’s spending binge, but our nation’s defense spending should not be the first or only place we look to do this. To blindly cut our nation’s defense is shortsighted and could harm national security. I will fight to ensure our troops get the resources they need, while ensuring the Department of Defense is efficient with its funds, and cutting out waste fraud and abuse.

So many of you contacted me during the debate over raising the nation’s debt ceiling during these last few weeks.  Like so many of you, I am deeply frustrated with the habits in Washington, DC, of spending too much taxpayer dollars and holding talks down to the wire. Our economy continues to struggle and Washington can no longer continue its out-of-control spending. I believe that Congress must commit to serious spending reform in order to get our economy back on track. With more certainty, American innovators and job-creators can have the confidence to grow so that the economy can get moving again.

Last week the House passed the Budget Control Act of 2011. This bill is only one step in a long journey toward changing the culture of out-of-control spending and Washington’s dependence on hardworking taxpayers. I supported this legislation to cut spending now, cap spending into the future, and move toward a Balanced Budget Amendment – all without raising taxes on job-creators. The bill sets up a Joint Committee of Congress that is tasked with identifying $1.5 trillion in deficit reduction in the coming months. The proposals in this legislation must be carefully monitored to ensure a strategic plan is put in place to ensure Congress funds our nation’s defense needs not simply by numbers, but with solid strategic analysis. I believe everything should be on the table as we curtail the government’s spending binge, but our nation’s defense spending should not be the first or only place we look to do this. To blindly cut our nation’s defense is shortsighted and could harm national security. I will fight to ensure our troops get the resources they need, while ensuring the Department of Defense is efficient with its funds, and cutting out waste fraud and abuse. 

I appreciate each of you who have called, emailed or commented through social media with your views on this critical issue – fighting for reform. Your input is so important and I urge you to continue your efforts to communicate your views on how to bring the federal budget back in balance. I will continue to push Congress to set the tone for more responsible government, including legislation that would cut the salaries of Members of Congress, eliminate the automatic pay raise for Members of Congress and require Members of Congress to return any unspent funds from their office budgets to the Department of the Treasury to be used to reduce our debt and yearly deficit. Please continue to contact my office by calling at (202) 225-4261 or emailing me through the website at We must continue to fight for more responsible and accountable government.