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Weekly Updates

November 24, 2011: Rob Wittman's Weekly Update

Before this year comes to an end, Congress will face many challenges as it seeks to find solutions to aid our economy and get our nation back to work. It is my hope that folks in Washington hear the calls for civility and commonsense solutions that are coming from places like Fredericksburg, Yorktown, and Montross.

As we celebrate Thanksgiving this week, I hope that you are all able to enjoy the small things: spending quality time with your loved ones and enjoying a delicious home-cooked meal. I also hope that we can all give thanks for the humble sacrifices of our servicemen and women whose selfless efforts each day preserve the freedom that we appreciate so much. Many of these brave citizens are currently stationed overseas and are unable to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner with their families. Let’s keep these folks in mind and wish them a safe return and a successful completion of their mission.

One of my favorite things about the holiday season is its ability to bring folks together, and I believe Washington would certainly benefit from that cooperative spirit. When I speak with folks at home in Montross and in other communities across the First District, one of the biggest concerns I’m hearing is frustration with a deadlocked Congress. The disagreement and partisan bickering is standing in the way of finding rational solutions, and the simple truth is that the American people deserve better. Before this year comes to an end, Congress will face many challenges as it seeks to find solutions to aid our economy and get our nation back to work. It is my hope that folks in Washington hear the calls for civility and commonsense solutions that are coming from places like Fredericksburg, Yorktown, and Montross. I believe that the true solutions to our nation’s problems come from folks outside of Washington, folks like you, and I encourage you to send me your thoughts and ideas so that I can take them to Congress and work to advance rational and commonsense policies in Washington.

Again, I hope that you and your loved ones have a very happy Thanksgiving holiday. May God bless you, and may God bless the United States of America.

Congressman Rob Wittman represents the First District of Virginia. He serves on the House Natural Resources Committee and the House Armed Services Committee where he is the Chairman of the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee.