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Fiscal Responsibility

Rob Wittman’s Weekly Update

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... I am proud to be a part of the Virginia congressional delegation, which has historically exhibited a bipartisan approach to addressing public policy challenges that face our Commonwealth. It is critical that our nation’s leaders find areas of common ground so that we can leave behind this continual state of gridlock in Washington and move toward an atmosphere of actually solving the challenges we face.

Rob Wittman’s Weekly Update

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One of the phrases in the Constitution’s Preamble that has always resonated with me is, “We the People … secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.” I see or hear those words and I immediately think about our future generations, especially that of my young grandchildren, Morgan and Mark, and I consider what is being done in Congress today and whether Morgan and Mark and others in their generation will be able to enjoy the same “Blessings of Liberty” that we have experienced.

Rob Wittman’s Weekly Update

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Last week, the world saw an act of senseless violence occur in Benghazi, Libya, as the U.S. consulate was attacked and four of our fellow citizens were slain, including Ambassador Chris Stevens. These men were exemplary Americans, striving to improve a world split by hate. Though their deaths were premature, I know that they made a mark on this world and that their legacies will remain.…

Rob Wittman’s Weekly Update

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The ideas and principles that were used in founding this nation came from many different sources, and each of our Founding Fathers had to work out his differences with the others in order to pursue a reasonable solution. This sort of rational discussion is practically unheard of today. Congress must show the American people that it can live up to the high standard set by those brave individuals who formed this nation.

Rob Wittman's Weekly Update

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In recent years, the federal government has overextended itself, and it is critical that Congress closely examine its expenditures to ensure that Americans’ tax dollars are being allocated in the most effective way. Households across the country have to budget responsibly; Congress should be held to the same standard.

Rob Wittman's Weekly Update

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The American people truly deserve a representative body that can produce reasonable solutions to promote economic growth, reduce spending, and restore faith in the fiscal management of our federal government. Fundamental tax reform is an intrinsic part of this, combined with reductions in wasteful government spending so that our economy can start to see growth and job creators can begin hiring again.