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Rob Wittman’s Weekly Update

One of the phrases in the Constitution’s Preamble that has always resonated with me is, “We the People … secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.” I see or hear those words and I immediately think about our future generations, especially that of my young grandchildren, Morgan and Mark, and I consider what is being done in Congress today and whether Morgan and Mark and others in their generation will be able to enjoy the same “Blessings of Liberty” that we have experienced.

On September 17, we recognized Constitution Day, and I was proud to help commemorate our nation’s supreme law by reading from that hallowed document on the front steps of the courthouse in my hometown of Montross. As I read from the Constitution, I couldn’t help but think about the brave patriots whose debates and ideals formed it. Several of these important men were Virginians, a fact that I’m very proud of, but they were also all well-rounded individuals who were willing to hear the arguments of others so that the final document would turn out that much better.

The framers of our Constitution were very deliberate people, and books have been written about how meticulously Madison labored over each word. One of the phrases in the Constitution’s Preamble that has always resonated with me is, “We the People … secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.” I see or hear those words and I immediately think about our future generations, especially that of my young grandchildren, Morgan and Mark, and I consider what is being done in Congress today and whether Morgan and Mark and others in their generation will be able to enjoy the same “Blessings of Liberty” that we have experienced.

It is with these thoughts in mind that I go about my business as your representative. There are many issues facing our nation that, without action by Congress and the White House, could be disastrous for our citizens and our economy. The founders’ form of decision-making is critical today as we address the looming defense cuts, or sequestration, approaching in January 2013. The House has passed a bill to prevent these disastrous cuts from taking place.

I believe it is critical for Congress to return to Washington so that these cuts and other issues can be addressed. That is why I voted against adjourning during the month of August, and again voted last week to keep the House in session to find solutions for the many challenges facing this nation. There are weeks ahead for the House, Senate and President to come to the table, debate and discuss these issues critical to our nation’s future. I am hopeful that the desires of the American people will shine through the partisan rhetoric and force Congress and the White House to put governing over politics and address the difficult decisions facing our nation.

The challenges facing our Founding Fathers were immediate and potentially life-threatening, and they stuck to their principles and believed in this nation. I know that all Americans today believe in this country, and I believe we can find responsible solutions to these problems. Please keep in touch with me via telephone at (202) 225-4261, through my website (, on Twitter (, and on Facebook (