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Weekly Updates

Rob Wittman's Weekly Update

There’s no better place than here in Virginia to set differences aside, share our love of country, and simply celebrate the U.S.A., our freedom and those who fight for it.

One of the critical issues facing our country is the looming defense cuts scheduled to take effect at the end of this year. These cuts, termed “sequestration,” would hit Virginia especially hard. In America’s First District, so many families are deeply involved in our country’s military, whether they serve on the front lines in uniform or go to work each day helping to create a product that will assist our soldiers. I believe we must avoid these reductions as our nation’s defense budget has already shrunk from an initial round of cuts.  Last week, I took to the House floor to share my frustration with the Congress’ inaction on looming cuts coming to the nation’s defense budget. I believe strongly we must continue to press the issue until legislation is passed and signed into law that ensures responsible budgeting, but does not unfairly target our nation’s defense.

There’s no better place than here in Virginia to set differences aside, share our love of country, and simply celebrate the U.S.A., our freedom and those who fight for it. We are blessed  to have so many notable, historic sites pertinent to our nation’s history, from Fredericksburg, to Jamestown, to Yorktown: battlefields, presidential birthplaces and so much more. Wednesday brought a mid-week holiday and visits to local events celebrating and honoring Independence Day. While so many important issues are facing our nation, it was great to join folks in celebrating our freedoms and honoring the men and women who have served and continue to serve to keep us free.

With Congress out of session this week, I also had a chance to meet with many area businesses and folks looking to share their concerns on legislation. We had a great visit to a health care provider center in Garrisonville. So many individuals and families are affected by the care they receive for an ailment. As the debate on health care continues, I believe it is important to connect with patients, families and providers to gain an understanding of the challenges folks are facing. It is important for the community to have access to quality care, and I was grateful for the opportunity to again visit the facility and see firsthand the good work they perform each day. I also had a chance to talk with some patients and hear their perspective on the state of our health care system and what can and should be done to ensure quality, affordable and accessible care.

As always, I appreciate hearing your thoughts, concerns and ideas on the issues facing our nation, and especially as the debates on health care and the federal budget continue. Please continue to engage with me on Facebook, Twitter, and by phone (202) 225-4261 or through email on my website,

Congressman Rob Wittman represents the First District of Virginia. He serves on the House Natural Resources Committee and the House Armed Services Committee where he is the Chairman of the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee.