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Fiscal Responsibility

Weekly Update - Congress should cancel August vacation

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For American families, the next several weeks are prime vacation time. Thousands will flock to Virginia's beaches, wildlife areas, and historic sites for rest, relaxation, and some time off from work. These vacations are a well-deserved reward for the months of hard work and school that preceded them. But in just a few weeks, Congress will go on its annual month-long August vacation…

Wittman to Speaker Ryan: Keep House in Washington Through August

| Posted in Press Releases

WASHINGTON - With only 29 in-session days left between today and the annual August recess, and with the House still having critical legislative items to address, Congressman Rob Wittman (VA-01) today sent a letter to House Speaker Paul Ryan calling for the House to remain in-session through August to complete critical legislative items. Of most pressing concern is the FY2018 budget and 12…

Wittman Issues Statements on Trump Budget Proposal

| Posted in Press Releases

WASHINGTON - Congressman Rob Wittman (VA-01) today released the following statements on President Trump's budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2018. On the budget: "This budget proposal rightly prioritizes defense, national security, and controlling spending on mandatory programs, which are the major drivers of our debt. And I support the efforts in this budget to reduce the deficit and…

Wittman Highlights Constituent Engagement in First 100 Days

| Posted in Press Releases

WASHINGTON -- With Saturday marking 100 days into the Trump Administration, Congressman Rob Wittman (VA-01) highlighted his constituent engagement efforts during that time in an email to First District residents. The email spotlighted the overall number of constituent contacts Rep. Wittman made during the first 100 days and also included figures for constituent correspondence received,…

Weekly Update: Congress faces budget decision

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Dear Friends - It's spring time in Washington and that means you can count on two things: the cherry blossoms returning to bloom and Congress renewing the budget and appropriations process. The season always kicks off with the release of the president's budget, which serves as a recommendation to Congress. The House and Senate Budget Committees then produce budget resolutions of their…

Continuing to reduce regulatory burden

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Friend - Unnecessary regulations are continuing to strangle the American economy. Instead of protecting consumers, workers, and the environment, these regulations are increasing the power of government agencies and driving up the costs of compliance for Main Street. In fact, we have so many unchecked regulations, it is nearly impossible to keep track of them all and there is red tape…

What matters most to you?

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Hi Friend- Americans spoke louder than ever to say: Washington needs to change the way it does business and I agree. I am fully dedicated to representing the constituents of the First District. I will continue to work hard to ensure that Veterans receive the benefits they deserve; that we bring jobs back to the hard-working men and women of Virginia; that we preserve and build our…

Wittman Statement on Selection of Neil Gorsuch for Supreme Court

| Posted in Press Releases

WASHINGTON - Congressman Rob Wittman (VA-01) today released the following statement on the selection of Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court. "Judge Gorsuch boasts an impeccable academic and judicial resume, making him an excellent pick to fill the vacant seat on the Supreme Court. His record on the Tenth Circuit makes clear he believes a judge's role is to apply the law based on the…

Making Congress work for you

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When I speak with Virginians, one thing I consistently hear is, "we need to change how Congress operates." People are rightly frustrated by what they see happening in Washington: budget by crisis, missing important legislative deadlines, and partisan bickering, just to name a few. I am frustrated, too. That is why I have made reforming how Congress works one of my top priorities as your…

Weekly Update: The end of business as usual in Washington

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Yesterday we witnessed one of the most important American political traditions: the orderly, peaceful transfer of power from one presidential administration to another. Millions of Americans, from the National Mall to homes across the country, watched as Donald J. Trump took the oath of office to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." And as only forty-four…