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Continuing to reduce regulatory burden

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Unnecessary regulations are continuing to strangle the American economy. Instead of protecting consumers, workers, and the environment, these regulations are increasing the power of government agencies and driving up the costs of compliance for Main Street. In fact, we have so many unchecked regulations, it is nearly impossible to keep track of them all and there is red tape everywhere that prevents companies from growing and hiring.

That is why the House worked to pass three bills this week that would roll back unduly burdensome regulations and increase transparency:

1. H.R. 998: The SCRUB Act, which would establish a Retrospective Regulatory Review Commission to review existing federal regulations to identify and recommend to Congress regulations that should be repealed due to unnecessary regulatory costs.

2. H.R. 1009: The OIRA Insight, Reform, and Accountability Act that would strengthen congressional insight and accountability over the regulatory process by putting the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) regulatory review authority into law.

3. H.R. 1004: The Regulatory Integrity Act of 2017 that directs each federal agency to make information regarding their regulatory actions publicly available in a searchable format on, or on the agency’s website.

These bills are yet another step the House is taking to make the regulatory process more transparent for Americans. I support reducing burdensome regulations for our Virginia businesses and will continue to do so.

