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Weekly Update: My Legislative Priorities for 2018

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Weekly Update: My Legislative Priorities for 2018 By Rob Wittman January 27, 2018 This year we are already off to an amazing start. Just one month into 2018, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is delivering. Over 2 million American workers have already seen the benefits of tax reform. Companies across the country have been announcing bonuses, pay raises, and investments, and I’m sure there…

Weekly Update: Give Thanks

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Weekly Update: Give Thanks By Rob Wittman November 23, 2017 We have a tradition in my family on Thanksgiving. We all sit down at the table, and before we start eating the beautifully prepared feast, we go around and say what we are thankful for. Well this year, I wanted to do the same thing for work as I do for family; look back through 2017 to think about what I am most thankful…

Weekly Update - A story you're not hearing

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Dear Friend - Let's face it: there is a lot of news coming out of Washington these days. And much of it is designed to draw a reaction from you or get you to take sides. But there is another story out there that you're not hearing. That's the story of the important accomplishments made by the House during the first eight months of this year. From the outset of 2017, we made it…

Reps. Wittman, Green Introduce Domestic Maritime Centers of Excellence Act

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WASHINGTON – WASHINGTON, DC — Today, Representatives Rob Wittman (R-VA) and Gene Green (D-TX) introduced legislation (H.R. 2286) intended to advance the capabilities of two-year community and technical colleges to assist the federal government and industry in securing the talent pipeline for domestic maritime industry jobs. "A well-trained, skilled maritime workforce is critical for…

Wittman Highlights Constituent Engagement in First 100 Days

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WASHINGTON -- With Saturday marking 100 days into the Trump Administration, Congressman Rob Wittman (VA-01) highlighted his constituent engagement efforts during that time in an email to First District residents. The email spotlighted the overall number of constituent contacts Rep. Wittman made during the first 100 days and also included figures for constituent correspondence received,…

What matters most to you?

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Hi Friend- Americans spoke louder than ever to say: Washington needs to change the way it does business and I agree. I am fully dedicated to representing the constituents of the First District. I will continue to work hard to ensure that Veterans receive the benefits they deserve; that we bring jobs back to the hard-working men and women of Virginia; that we preserve and build our…

Want to See Education Policy That Works? This is It.

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Tags: Education

A few weeks ago, I met a young woman named Sarah. She was smiling, and it was the smile of a student who just solidified her future, her success. She just completed a career and technical education program in manufacturing technology. She is already far on her way to achieving her dream of becoming a manufacturing engineer, even before receiving her high school diploma. Not all careers…

Weekly Update: Today's Heroes and Tomorrow's Leaders

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“What do you want to be when you grow up?” Remember being asked that question? Remember all the possibility at the other end of it? Anything you could dream about, you could be. But as adults, we know that question is about more than choosing a career. It’s about aspiring to be better than we are. It’s about seeking greatness. As we shape our next generation of leaders, that’s what we…

Rob Wittman's Weekly Update

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Often, simply gathering a variety of stakeholders together to consider important issues – such as effective workforce development programs – can be the catalyst for further growth in those areas. Our teachers and career development counselors, as well as institutions like Germanna, do a great job of preparing our students for rewarding careers, and I am truly excited about the potential of our next generation of leaders.

Rob Wittman's Weekly Update

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I was pleased to see so many of you enjoying time with family and friends on Independence Day in America’s First District. The holiday weekend is always a popular one for traveling, and I know that many folks were watching the miles tick upward on their odometers and thinking of the cost of gasoline. That cost has been on my mind as well, and I recently voted for legislation to help cut…