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Wittman's Weekly: September in Photos

| Posted in Weekly Updates

Friend – What a busy month we’ve had across Virginia’s First District. Throughout all of September, I spent a great deal of time hearing from folks across our region about the issues that matter most to them and in Washington advocating on your behalf to my colleagues in Congress. I started off the month hosting my second Community Broadband Field Seminar in Lancaster, held the…

Wittman Votes NO on CR

| Posted in Press Releases

WASHINGTON – Today, Congressman Rob Wittman (VA-01) voted "no" on H.R. 4378 – Making continuing appropriations for fiscal year 2020. "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different outcome. Ten years of passing continuing resolutions (CRs) to fund the government has led to wasted taxpayer money and government inefficiencies; yet today, we voted…

Wittman's Weekly: No More Continuing Resolutions

| Posted in Weekly Updates

In the age of procrastination and irresponsible spending in Washington, continuing resolutions (CR) have become a comfortable fall back for Congress. Instead of buckling down and getting spending bills done on time through measured debate, lawmakers look to last-minute, stop-gap measures to fund the federal government. The last time Congress was able to maintain regular operations without…

Wittman's Weekly: August in Photos

| Posted in Weekly Updates

Friend – Another month has come and gone across the Commonwealth. I hope your August was restful and I hope you took time out this month to enjoy the great outdoors with family and friends. While Congress was in our traditional August recess, I had the opportunity to meet with folks throughout the First District. I had a great time at the Virginia Ag Expo in Ruther Glen talking with…

Wittman's Weekly: Working on Your Behalf

| Posted in Weekly Updates

What we see in Washington today – partisan bickering, investigations, policy stalemates - is an example of where differences are highlighted, but indeed we should be looking at what we have in common, because I do believe there is more common ground than any of us realize. My focus as your Representative in Congress is to work on behalf of the people of the First District and their top…

Wittman's Weekly: We Need Accountability

| Posted in Weekly Updates

Congress has so much left to get done – not only passing our 12 funding bills but working on legislation to lower the cost of prescription drugs for Americans, secure our border, fix our crumbling roads and bridges, rein in out of control spending, and so much more. Instead of staying to get the work done, Speaker Pelosi is giving members a six-week legislative recess – leaving Congress…

Wittman: We must get our nation’s fiscal house in order

| Posted in Press Releases

WASHINGTON – Congressman Rob Wittman (VA-01) released this statement after voting “no” on the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2019: “It is imperative that we get our nation’s fiscal house in order and work to address our debt and deficit – or else we continue to push the problems of today onto our children and grandchildren. The longer we fail to address our nation’s spending problem, the…

Wittman's Weekly: Creating Jobs, Not Destroying Them

| Posted in Weekly Updates

The American economy is stronger now than it has been in decades. Since January 2017, the U.S. economy has created 5.6 million jobs. In fact, 224,000 jobs were created in June alone. The unemployment rate has hit a 50-year low. We are seeing historic levels of small business optimism, record numbers of job openings, increased business investment, and higher…

Wittman to Pelosi: There is too much to be done

| Posted in Press Releases

WASHINGTON – Today, Congressmen Rob Wittman sent another letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi urging her to keep the House in-session through August to complete critical legislative items. “On June 28, 2019, I wrote you asking that you cancel the August recess if the House had not addressed the many critical issues facing our Nation,” Wittman wrote. “Three weeks later, we are no further…

Wittman to Pelosi: Keep Us In Town

| Posted in Press Releases

WASHINGTON – Today, Congressmen Rob Wittman sent a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi urging her to keep the House in-session through August to complete critical legislative items. “I urge you and the House leadership to reconsider the legislative calendar and to cancel the August recess if the House has not addressed the many critical issues facing our Nation and the American people,”…