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Wittman Statement on President Trump's State of the Union Address

Wittman Statement on President Trump's State of the Union Address

WASHINGTON - Congressman Rob Wittman (VA-01) released this statement following President Trump’s third State of the Union address:

“Tonight, President Trump outlined a strong, visionary path forward for America that builds upon the successes of the last three years. Since the president took office, we have had unparalleled accomplishments: landmark tax reform, record job numbers, and unprecedented investments in our nation’s military. Tonight, President Trump called on Congress to continue building on our economic and military successes as well as to promote working families and lower the cost of health care. The president’s agenda will keep America strong and create a better future for working families. It is now it is up to Congress to deliver results.

“In 2020, my priorities will be to fight to continue rebuilding our military, increase Congressional accountability through on time budgeting, rebuild our nation’s broken infrastructure, expand access to broadband to the underserved, lower the cost of prescription drugs, and implement policies that will bridge the workforce skills gap. After months of inaction by Congressional Democrats, we must get back to work; the American people expect nothing less.”

Congressman Rob Wittman represents the 1st District of Virginia. He serves on the House Natural Resources Committee and the House Armed Services Committee, where he serves as the ranking member of the Seapower and Projection Forces Subcommittee.

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