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Wittman Named Co-Chair of Rural Broadband Caucus

WASHINGTON – Congressman Rob Wittman (VA-01) is proud to announce that he will be a Co-Chair of the Rural Broadband Caucus for the 116th Congress. The caucus focuses on bringing greater attention to the need for high-speed broadband in rural America and helping to encourage and spur innovative solutions to address this growing consumer demand. Other Co-Chairs of the House Rural Broadband Caucus include Congressmen Adam Kinzinger (R-IL), Peter Welch (D-VT), Bob Latta (R-OH), Mark Pocan (D-WI), and David Loebsack (D-IA).

“Right now, we are leaving thousands of people on the sidelines, not just in the First district, but across the country,” Wittman said. “Significant human capital and economic development suffer without access to high-speed internet. As a Co-Chair of the Rural Broadband Caucus, I hope to work with my colleagues on bipartisan solutions that will help bring the untapped potential of hard-working Americans in rural areas off the sidelines and propel our nation forward in the global economy.”

Currently almost 50% of rural Virginians lack access to high speed internet and 29% don’t have any internet service at all. Red tape and regulations, cost of service, and varying geographic obstacles continue to be major hinderances to expanding broadband access in rural areas. Congressman Wittman believes that by addressing these issues and engaging federal agencies and other private stakeholders with localities, we can help bridge the digital divide.

“Rob is already a member of the Rural Broadband Caucus, and has been a staunch advocate for closing the digital divide in this country. As Co-Chair, he will bring a wealth of experience and additional perspective as we look to make even more progress in the 116th Congress,” the current Co-Chairs wrote in a recent release.

Congressman Wittman continues to be a leader on promoting access to broadband in rural areas. Last year, he held two meetings of his Broadband Taskforce, where he brought together national, state, and local stakeholders to discuss ways of expanding broadband to unserved areas. Last March, Congressman Wittman fought to secure more than $685 million in the government funding bill to expand federal support in leveraging private investment for the expansion of rural broadband deployment. This legislation created a new $600 million broadband grant and loan program known as the Re-Connect Program. On January 17, 2018 Congressman Wittman sent a letter to the Trump Administration advocating for increasing access to broadband in rural areas and he urged the administration to include policies promoting broadband investments in any upcoming infrastructure package.

Congressman Rob Wittman represents the 1st District of Virginia. He serves on the House Natural Resources Committee and the House Armed Services Committee.