This new year brings an exciting new chapter to Congress and the 1st Congressional District of Virginia. Through redistricting, the 1st Congressional District welcomes new areas and new constituents that I am looking forward to representing.
I have been fortunate to meet so many of the incredible folks of Virginia’s 1st District. With the addition of Henrico and Chesterfield counties, I look forward to representing my childhood home. With the addition of Williamsburg, York and Poquoson, I look forward to once again representing the great people of the Historic Triangle and the city of Poquoson. I am also thrilled to continue serving the people of Hanover, New Kent, the Northern Neck and Middle Peninsula.
Representing new areas comes with a responsibility to introduce myself to my constituents, and I am looking forward to continuing my work to understand and address the challenges of our communities, our state and our nation. Virginians, and all Americans, deserve elected officials who will roll up their sleeves and work hard on their behalf, and that is exactly what I intend to do.
I have a proven record of working to achieve real legislative results. I take immense pride in working with anyone, regardless of political party, to enact common-sense policies to help all Virginians. For example, my Long Bridge Act, signed into law as part of the Consolidated Appropriations act of 2021, is a critical component to reducing traffic congestion on Interstate 95 between Richmond and Washington, D.C. Additionally, my Serving Rural America Act served as a model for the NTIA Broadband Infrastructure Program, a $288 million funding for partnerships between localities and providers of fixed broadband service to support broadband deployment.
As a senior member on the House Armed Services Committee, I have the honor to advocate for, and help pass, the annual National Defense Authorization Act. The NDAA is historically one of Congress’ most bipartisan bills and is critical for our national security and Virginia’s economy. This bill ensures our armed services are fully funded, and that our nation’s selfless veterans, servicemembers and their families receive the proper benefits and resources they deserve. On the House Natural Resources committee, I’ve acted to preserve and protect our nation’s greatest treasures, including the James River and Chesapeake Bay.
Congress has been broken for far too long, and I intend to keep my promise to bring transparency and accountability back to Washington. Already this Congress, I have reintroduced my government accountability legislation, the No Budget No Pay Act, the Stay on Schedule Resolution, and the Inaction Has Consequences Act. These bills would ensure members of Congress are held responsible and do their basic job of funding the government on time.
American families and businesses have been hit by soaring prices, skyrocketing energy costs, and burdensome regulations for far too long. This Congress, I am committed to working with my colleagues to rebuild our nation’s struggling economy, remain good stewards of hardworking American taxpayers’ dollars, and ensure our nation is a place where individuals and businesses can grow and thrive.
Tackling today’s challenges requires a whole-of-government approach. I look forward to working with local, state and federal leaders to bring real solutions to the people of Virginia’s 1st District. We have significant work to do, and I am excited to work hard and be the advocate my constituents deserve in Washington.
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