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What do you want to see the new Congress focus on?


Now that we are in the 116th Congress, I'm looking forward to working on sustaining economic growth, addressing critical infrastructure issues in our region, building a strong national defense, immigration reform, and expanding access to rural broadband.

I know I'll hear from many of you during the next two years as you contact my office and during my travels throughout the District. I wanted to take a brief moment to ask what issues you would most like to see addressed during the 116th Congress.

[_]Fiscal Responsibility
[_]Veterans Health Care and Benefits
[_]Health Care Reform
[_]Jobs and the Economy
[_]Federal Employee Pay and Benefits
[_]National Defense and Our Military
[_]Transportation and Infrastructure
[_]Rural Broadband
[_]Pro-life and Family Issues
[_]I don't know

Your opinion helps shape how I represent you in Washington.

