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National Defense

December 6, 2011: Rob Wittman's Weekly Update

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The simple truth is that we must maintain this strong presence in order to protect sea lanes that are crucial to our economy, especially considering the large percentage of trade conducted by merchant ships crossing these seas. At the same time, a strong American presence in this region allows continued attention to activities conducted by nations such as Iran and even China, which is vigorously trying to gain influence in the Middle East.

October 31, 2011: Rob Wittman's Weekly Update

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Without a doubt, Congress must make some tough decisions as we move through the process of fixing our federal budget. However, one of this body’s most significant responsibilities is to provide for a fighting force that will allow this nation to prevent and confront future threats while at the same time meeting our fiscal obligations. Simply put, the severity of cuts to our nation’s defense that are currently being discussed will weaken our force to an unacceptable level.

September 19, 2011: Congressman Wittman's Weekly Washington Update

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I firmly believe the government must rein in spending, but I also will support the strategic defense of this nation, first and foremost. We cannot cut defense simply to cut – there is nothing more important than keeping our communities safe and supplying our troops with the resources they need to do the job we ask of them.

September 12, 2011: Congressman Wittman's Weekly Washington Update

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It is time for a renewed approach of working together to instead put the power in your hands: the hands of hardworking Americans, small businesses and entrepreneurs who can lead the country out of this recession. Instead of more out-of-control spending, more taxes, and more regulation, Congress must work together for the opposite: a more responsible government, tax relief and freedom for small business owners across the country. By getting out of the way, Washington will allow job-creators to thrive so folks can get back to work.

August 16, 2011: Congressman Wittman’s Weekly Washington Update

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While our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines continue to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan and sacrifice on our nation’s behalf every day, recent events in Afghanistan have served as a stark reminder of the dangers they face daily while operating in a warzone. Thirty of our troops were killed at once in a tragic and catastrophic attack at the hands of the Taliban.  Families and…

August 8, 2011: Congressman Wittman's Weekly Washington Update

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I believe everything should be on the table as we curtail the government’s spending binge, but our nation’s defense spending should not be the first or only place we look to do this. To blindly cut our nation’s defense is shortsighted and could harm national security. I will fight to ensure our troops get the resources they need, while ensuring the Department of Defense is efficient with its funds, and cutting out waste fraud and abuse.