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Wittman's Weekly: November in Photos

| Posted in Weekly Updates

Friend– Looking back on the month of November, I had so many great opportunities to visit with our nation’s heroes throughout Virginia’s First District in celebration of Veterans Day. Our area is home to one of the highest concentration of veterans in the country, and I am honored each chance I get to meet with them and each day I…

Wittman's Weekly: August in Photos

| Posted in Weekly Updates

Friend – Another month has come and gone across the Commonwealth. I hope your August was restful and I hope you took time out this month to enjoy the great outdoors with family and friends. While Congress was in our traditional August recess, I had the opportunity to meet with folks throughout the First District. I had a great time at the Virginia Ag Expo in Ruther Glen talking with…

Weekly Update: 2019 is Halfway Over

| Posted in Weekly Updates

Friend- 2019 is halfway over. It has been a busy year, and June was certainly a busy month. I hosted the third meeting of my Rural Broadband Task Force, broke ground on the 10-mile extension of I-95 Express Lanes in Fredericksburg, fought for our armed forces in this year’s NDAA committee markup, and took the time to visit with folks over breakfast. If you haven’t taken a moment to…

What do you want to see the new Congress focus on?

| Posted in Press Releases

Friend- Now that we are in the 116th Congress, I'm looking forward to working on sustaining economic growth, addressing critical infrastructure issues in our region, building a strong national defense, immigration reform, and expanding access to rural broadband. I know I'll hear from many…

Poll: Trump's Tariffs

| Posted in Press Releases

Friend- As you may know, last week President Trump announced his intention to impose tariffs on imported steel and aluminum. Simply put, a tariff is a tax on an imported or exported commodity. The president’s particular proposal puts a tariff of 25% on foreign-made steel and 10% on foreign-made aluminum when brought across the U.S. border. There’s been a robust discussion over the…

Wittman Highlights Constituent Engagement in First 100 Days

| Posted in Press Releases

WASHINGTON -- With Saturday marking 100 days into the Trump Administration, Congressman Rob Wittman (VA-01) highlighted his constituent engagement efforts during that time in an email to First District residents. The email spotlighted the overall number of constituent contacts Rep. Wittman made during the first 100 days and also included figures for constituent correspondence received,…

My Take: Energy Development Means Virginia Growth

| Posted in Weekly Updates

Folks, Earlier this week, The News and Advance ran a story that called the Obama Administration’s decision not to allow offshore energy production in the Atlantic Ocean a “blow to Virginia and others.” I couldn’t agree more. The Administration’s policy shuts down growth opportunities for people across the Commonwealth and compromises our economic prosperity and national security. I don’t…

Wittman: Virginia Needs Energy Exploration

| Posted in Press Releases

WASHINGTON – Congressman Rob Wittman (VA-1) released the following statement today in response to the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management’s decision not to allow oil drilling in the Atlantic Ocean: “This decision suggests a blatant disregard for the energy and economic realities this country is facing. By refusing to allow drilling, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management is shutting down…

Rob Wittman's Weekly Update

| Posted in Weekly Updates

During these past couple of weeks, I have been thinking a lot about leadership and what it means to be a leader. According to Douglas MacArthur, leadership is about integrity. “A true leader,” he said, “has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the…