The First District of Virginia is home to some of the most unique transportation challenges in the country. We face congestion on our highways, strained commuter rail, and crumbling roads and bridges. As a daily commuter myself, I know firsthand the issues with congestion and maintenance in the area. We must get out of just fixing current problems and get to investing in 21st Century infrastructure.
Throughout the First District, our infrastructure needs special attention. Rural transportation infrastructure’s unique challenges need to be considered in order to meet our nation’s priority transportation goals of safety and economic competitiveness. In addition, we have the Port of Virginia, one of the Commonwealth's most powerful economic engines, right outside our district. I have worked to help grow the Port of Virginia and to deepen and widen its channels. This will allow larger ships visiting the Port to arrive and depart fully loaded and will make for safer and more timely passage through the channels. It will allow American businesses from across the country to further benefit from the Port of Virginia as an integral part of their supply chain.
The role of the federal government is not to dictate what to build, but to provide stable, long-term funding to states for their project priorities. I will continue to fight for projects that prioritize innovation, leverage public-private resources, and maintain the safety of motorists within the region.
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