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Rob Wittman's Weekly Update

The First District is full of phenomenal individuals who serve our nation in a myriad of ways, whether with one of our service branches or in an executive branch agency, and I am proud to represent a region where service for one’s community is held in such high regard.

Our public servants are on my mind this week as the nation recognizes two important groups of American citizens. May 5-11 is Public Service Recognition Week, and the month of May is National Military Appreciation Month. The First District is full of phenomenal individuals who serve our nation in a myriad of ways, whether with one of our service branches or in an executive branch agency, and I am proud to represent a region where service for one’s community is held in such high regard. Especially during this challenging time, when forced across-the-board budget cuts are leading to possible job furloughs and causing uncertainty for families across the First District and the nation, we must keep in mind their service and their commitment to all that makes our nation great. As a member of the Congressional Public Service Caucus and Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee’s Readiness Subcommittee, I am committed to raising awareness of our public servants’ devoted efforts and to ensuring smart policies that support them, civilian and military alike.

Behind each of these dedicated public servants is a loving and committed family, and we must always honor and appreciate their sacrifices as well. Recently, I joined with a small, bipartisan group of members in both the House and Senate, to introduce the Military Spouses Job Continuity Act, which is a common sense bill to ease transitions for military families. The bill offers a tax credit to any military spouse who must renew or transfer a professional license due to a military Change of Station order. This bill would assist these folks to more easily transition in their employment. During Military Appreciation Month, we honor the members of our all-volunteer force, but we must be sure to never forget the dedication and a sacrifice of the families behind each of these individuals. These families share the sacrifices of deployments and frequent moves, and during this decade of war, many of these spouses have had to manage their household budgets and raise their children almost singlehandedly for months at a time. As a member of the Congressional Military Family Caucus, I will work each and every day to honor the commitment that they share with their loved ones, a commitment to a strong and free United States of America. This bill is a small but important step in our efforts to strengthen our military, our families, our economy and our nation.

As we recognize our public servants and military, I hope that you’ll all also keep in mind our fellow citizens who have served in these capacities in the past. America’s First District is home to thousands of retired federal employees and veterans, whose collective service has served to strengthen the principles and ideals on which our forefathers founded this nation.

The main streets of Virginia’s First District are full of ideas to get our economy back on track, and your feedback is so important to me as I serve you. I can be reached by telephone at (202) 225-4261, through my website (, on Facebook (, and via Twitter (