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September 19, 2011: Congressman Wittman's Weekly Washington Update

I firmly believe the government must rein in spending, but I also will support the strategic defense of this nation, first and foremost. We cannot cut defense simply to cut – there is nothing more important than keeping our communities safe and supplying our troops with the resources they need to do the job we ask of them.

The debate in Washington has returned to an important area: our economy and job growth. The House of Representatives this week considered legislation impacting the regulation of the nation’s businesses, education legislation, as well as legislation dealing with out-of-control government spending. As Congress continues to debate legislation throughout the fall, my priority is to preserve that spirit of America that has made us so great. That spirit must prevail – will this vote or that vote enable that spirit? I firmly believe it is Americans who will pick up this country by the bootstraps and lift it higher into her bright future. It is critical that each action Congress takes encourages job growth and innovation.

On Thursday the House approved legislation, the Protecting Jobs From Government Interference Act, to prevent the federal government from stifling job growth by dictating where an employer can locate their employees. The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), a federal government agency, recently filed a complaint against aerospace company Boeing, who built a plant in South Carolina creating thousands of jobs in that community. I supported this legislation to prevent the NLRB from making decisions for private companies on where to do business and to employ their workers.  The government must allow job-creators to thrive without over-regulation.

This week the House Armed Services Committee met to hear from folks on the future of national defense and the U.S. military ten years after 9/11. The week prior we had an opportunity to gain this perspective from high-ranking military officials inside the pentagon. Additionally, I now questioned experts from institutions outside of the federal government, to understand their in-depth perspective on the status of the American military as we face looming cuts to the defense budget. We listened as they discussed lessons learned since September 11, 2001, and to apply those lessons to decisions we will soon be making about the future of our military forces. I firmly believe the government must rein in spending, but I also will support the strategic defense of this nation, first and foremost. We cannot cut defense simply to cut – there is nothing more important than keeping our communities safe and supplying our troops with the resources they need to do the job we ask of them. The Committee will continue to hear from experts in the coming weeks as the Congress continues to look at ways to cut spending and stabilize our economy.

As these important discussions continue, I always appreciate hearing from you. Please continue to contact me by phone at (202) 225-4261 or by email on my website at

Congressman Rob Wittman represents the First District of Virginia. He serves on the House Natural Resources Committee and the House Armed Services Committee where he is the Chairman of the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee.