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Weekly Updates

August 16, 2011: Congressman Wittman’s Weekly Washington Update

While our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines continue to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan and sacrifice on our nation’s behalf every day, recent events in Afghanistan have served as a stark reminder of the dangers they face daily while operating in a warzone. Thirty of our troops were killed at once in a tragic and catastrophic attack at the hands of the Taliban.  Families and friends mourn, their loved ones making a final journey home from deployment. These 30 service members returned to a country which they believed in, a country for which they volunteered to fight, a country for which they gave their lives. Regardless of their branch of service, or status in the military, the men on that helicopter were all volunteers, all warriors, all patriots, and all Americans. Many of them had been motivated to serve after the events of 9/11 and had been personally engaged in combat operations for the past ten years, serving multiple deployments overseas. They paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. We must continue to pray for their families and honor their sacrifice each and every day. Their time in service to our country and on this earth was priceless. They, along with the thousands of others who have gone into harm’s way only to return in a flag-draped casket, represent the epitome of courage, bravery, and sacrifice. Their memory and their service will be honored and treasured forever. God bless them, and may God continue to bless their families during this difficult time.

The loss of these patriots puts our problems into perspective here at home, but also strengthens our resolve to make this country better for the next generation. Our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and their families have sacrificed tremendously, and we can honor them each day by working towards a larger goal of improving our communities, our economy, and strengthening our nation. As I travel around America’s First District, I have enjoyed talking with folks in meetings, at events, and at my offices to discuss the issues important to them. One group that has concerns about the future of this nation are seniors. That’s why I am hosting three upcoming seniors’ events, to hear from them and their concerns about what the federal government is doing that affects their lives and the future for their children and grandchildren. I hope you can join us:

In Fredericksburg:

Monday, August 22, 2011

11 a.m.

Chancellor Senior Center

12100 Chancellors Village, off of Rt. 3


In Yorktown:

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

1 p.m.

Yorktown Senior Center

Washington Square Shopping Center

5314 George Washington Memorial Hwy.

And if you cannot make it in person, I will also be hosting a telephone town hall on August 23, 2011, from 7 p.m. – 8 p.m. Dial 877-229-8493 with pass code 13327 to join the call during that time.

Thank you for your continued thoughts, ideas and questions as we continue to work on the issues facing our communities and this nation. Please continue to communicate with me through email on my website,, by phone (202) 225-4261 or through social media on Twitter and Facebook