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Wittman Secures Wins For Virginia in FY24 NDAA

Today, Congressman Rob Wittman (VA-01), vice chair of the House Armed Services Committee (HASC) and chairman of the Tactical Air and Land Forces Subcommittee voted in favor of the committee’s advancement of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24). 

The bill includes significant investments in Virginia’s shipbuilding industry, submarine industrial base, and measures to support servicemembers and military families in the Commonwealth.

“The United States must invest in the necessary capabilities to secure our national defense today, tomorrow, and for generations to come,” said Rep. Wittman. “I’m proud to support the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024, which will not only help secure America’s national security, but directly benefit the Commonwealth. By building more ships, prioritizing ship repairs, and investing in more submarines, we are channeling critical funding to Virginia’s economy.”

Virginia is home to the Pentagon, Marine Corps Base Quantico, and the largest concentration of naval forces in the world. With 19% of Virginia’s economy coming from defense spending — the highest proportion of any state — funding from the NDAA will reverberate throughout the Commonwealth. Virginia is also a top state for active duty military personnel, with over 80,000 servicemembers in Hampton Roads. 

The FY24 NDAA contains many provisions that will benefit Virginia, which Rep. Wittman advocated for, including:  

Regional Interests 

  • Establishes Marine Corps Heritage Center and National Museum of the Marine Corps 

  • $963 million in military construction funding at installations across the Commonwealth

Shipbuilding and Repair Equities

  • Rejects the Biden administration’s effort to reduce the size of the Navy by saving five ships from early retirement, including the USS Tortuga in Norfolk 

  • Requires the Navy deliver a plan to maintain ships through their expected service life

  • Establishes grant program expanding private shipyard construction capacity  

Military and Servicemember Priorities

  • Prevents the early retirement of F-22s at Joint Base Langley-Eustis

  • Supports a 5.2% increase in servicemember basic pay, the largest pay raise in over 20 years

Ukraine Assistance Oversight and Support 

  • Requires the Department of Defense (DoD) and State Department Inspector Generals to conduct regular audits of U.S. security assistance to Ukraine, including any instance of waste, fraud, abuse, corruption, or diversion of weapons

  • Requires the DoD to update warfighting requirements for continued deterrence of Russian aggression in Europe

  • Requires the Secretary of Defense to respond to Russia leaving NATO’s nuclear arms control agreement 

The following legislation championed by Rep. Wittman has been included in whole or in part in the FY24 NDAA:

Autonomous Systems Adoption and Policy Act (H.R.3553): Accelerates and supports the adoption of autonomous technology and integration into current and future weapons systems.

COBIA Act (H.R.4861 117th): Ensures local schools educating military service-connected children receive full federal impact aid support.  

DOD Entrepreneurial Innovation Act (H.R.2005 – 117th): Accelerates transition of critical commercial technology to enhance U.S. military capabilities. 

COMFORT Act (H.R.3267): Authorizes additional mental health counseling services for military families.

Independent and Objective Oversight of Ukrainian Assistance Act (H.R.855): Establishes enhanced reporting requirements and oversight of assistance to Ukraine.

H.R.3011: Establishes a task force of the DoD on servicemember mental health improvement efforts.