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Wittman Votes for Congress to Stay in DC to Complete Unfinished Business

For the second year in a row, Congressman Rob Wittman (VA-1) today voted against a measure allowing the House to adjourn for the month of August. Wittman opposed the measure citing unfinished business and critical issues that Members of Congress should debate and address rather than traveling back to their Congressional districts.

“I continue to oppose adjournment by the House when so many issues loom on the horizon,” Wittman said. “My constituents have certainly shared with me their unhappiness with the job that Washington is doing, most importantly, that the nation’s work is simply not getting done, or is only being done in haste at the last minute. That’s why I have supported Congress canceling adjournment and staying in Washington to address critical issues. Folks know that when the work isn’t done, you don’t pack up and leave, you stay to finish the job – especially when the job is so critical for our citizens and our nation. It’s simply unacceptable that Congress continues to leave work unfinished. I’m willing to clear my schedule and would hope that Members of Congress would reconsider theirs.”

Wittman spoke on the House floor on Wednesday, and, in his speech, urged his colleagues to vote against adjournment:

“I rise today with disappointment because Congress plans to adjourn without addressing critical issues important to the American people. It shouldn’t take a government shutdown threat in September each year to will Congress to do its job. It also should not be difficult to achieve an efficient, lean and functional government with a real budget and appropriations blueprint.

“I appreciate that district work periods allow Members to return home and visit with folks in their community, but this August, the work is too important. Unfortunately, Congress has not completed the job it needs to. It has not completed the work of the people. Too much unfinished business requires some overtime and it begs Members to stay and finish. Let’s clear our schedules, vote against the adjournment of Congress for the month of August and stay in Washington to finish the business of the people. As I was last August, I am prepared to stay in Washington as long as it takes. These issues are too important to wait.”

In multiple speeches on the House floor in recent weeks, Wittman has addressed the furloughs of Defense Department civilian employees and sequestration, among other issues:

July 25, 2013: Wittman Urges Congress to Pass Furlough Prohibition for 2014

July 19, 2013: Wittman: "Our nation's defense will undoubtedly suffer" from DOD furloughs

July 11, 2013: Wittman: "Furloughed employees face personal and professional challenges"

Similarly, Wittman voted in August and September of 2012 against adjournment and spoke out on the House Floor:

August 2, 2012: Rob Wittman calls on Congress to stay in DC, finish critical business

Congressman Rob Wittman represents the First District of Virginia. He serves on the House Natural Resources Committee and the House Armed Services Committee where he is the Chairman of the Readiness Subcommittee.
