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Fiscal Responsibility

Weekly Update: We Owe Our Warfighters Nothing but the Best

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This week on the House floor, we debated H.R. 2500, the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2020. As many of you already know, the NDAA directs policy and spending plans for the Defense Department. At the beginning of this week, I penned an oped for Defense News detailing not only what was necessary to make a bipartisan NDAA, but why doing so is so important. For…

Wittman to Pelosi: Keep Us In Town

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WASHINGTON – Today, Congressmen Rob Wittman sent a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi urging her to keep the House in-session through August to complete critical legislative items. “I urge you and the House leadership to reconsider the legislative calendar and to cancel the August recess if the House has not addressed the many critical issues facing our Nation and the American people,”…

Wittman Votes Against Spending Increase

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WASHINGTON – Congressman Rob Wittman released this statement after voting against H.R. 2740 - Departments Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, Defense, State, Foreign Operations, and Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act, 2020. “The funding bill that passed the House today is not only irresponsible, but has no future in the Senate. These bills have been considered…

Weekly Update: Broken Process

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This week, the House started debating our annual appropriations bills – the legislation that funds the federal government. There are 12 different appropriations bills that must pass the House and the Senate by October 1 of each year. The consequence if we do not? Either a continuing resolution (CR) or a government shutdown. Under a CR, all spending remains the same, meaning that we can’t…

Weekly Update: What I Hope to See in FY2020 President's Budget

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Weekly Update: What I Hope to See in FY2020 President's Budget By Congressman Rob Wittman March 9, 2019 Next week, President Trump is expected to release his budget for FY 2020. The President’s budget is only the first step in the annual budgeting and appropriations process but acts as a venue for the president to publish his policy objectives. And I’m sure you know, the…

Wittman on National Emergency Declaration

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Wittman on National Emergency Declaration WASHINGTON – Congressman Rob Wittman (VA-01) released this statement after voting “no” on H.J. Res. 46: “The current situation at our southern border is a border security and humanitarian crisis. I have heard from numerous US Border Patrol agents, whose personal accounts confirm what we already know, the conditions at the border demand…

Wittman Statement on Bill to Fund VA-01 Priorities, Secure Border

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Wittman Statement on Bill to Fund VA-01 Priorities, Secure Border WASHINGTON – Congressman Rob Wittman (VA-01) released this statement after voting in favor of the Conference Report to Accompany H.J. Res 31 – The Consolidated Appropriations Act: “Although not perfect, this bill makes an important down payment for the construction of physical barriers and other border security…

Wittman Statement on President Trump's State of the Union Address

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WASHINGTON - Congressman Rob Wittman (VA-01) released this statement following President Trump’s State of the Union address: “Tonight, President Trump outlined a bold, bipartisan agenda, with a clear path forward for America. This past year we have had unparalleled successes: landmark tax reform, record job numbers, and unprecedented investments in our nation’s military. This year,…

Rep. Rob Wittman: Shutdowns really ARE avoidable – Here's how to never have another one again

| Posted in Opinion Pieces by Rob

Rep. Rob Wittman: Shutdowns really ARE avoidable – Here's how to never have another one again We just ended the longest government shutdown in American history. We reached a point of dysfunction that few had ever seen. With the State of the Union only days away, we are preparing to get to work on the president’s agenda for 2019, but also facing the threat of another…

Wittman Introduces "Inaction Has Consequences Act"

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Wittman Introduces “Inaction Has Consequences Act” WASHINGTON – Today, Congressman Rob Wittman (VA-01) introduced another piece of legislation in his effort to ensure Congressional accountability. The Inaction Has Consequences Act says simply that if Members of Congress do not complete appropriations bills by the end…