Welcome from Rob
My first and most important job is serving you. Here are some ways I can help.
My first and most important job is serving you. Here are some ways I can help.
As the son and the husband of a public school teacher, I am especially thankful for the ways teachers inspire and shape the minds of our nation’s students. Their dedication does not go unrecognized; the positive influence and selflessness that our educators possess is invaluable. Strengthening America's education system is important in fostering innovation and promoting economic security. We must prepare our students for the demands of our current society and provide unemployed Americans with an outlet to reintegrate into the workforce. That means prioritizing workforce development and continuing to promote Career and Technical Education (CTE) and Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) programs, partnering with schools and local businesses to address the skilled worker shortage, and increasing access to dual enrollment CTE training courses so students can work toward credentials while still in high school. We must also address student loan debt and work to make college more affordable. I’m working on providing more options for saving and more opportunities for developing skill sets for today’s workforce. My Freedom to Invest in Tomorrow’s Workforce Act, would give individuals and families the freedom to use their 529 savings account to cover the costs of certain workforce training, credentialing programs, and costs associated with certification exams and maintaining certification credentials. My PROPEL Act would expand access to Career and Technical Education (CTE) by opening up federal Pell Grants for short term vocational or technical training and apprenticeships. I am committed to ensuring our students have access to quality education and opportunities to succeed. It is essential that we set our students up for success. Click here to get the most up to date information about my views and work on education issues. |