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Rob Wittman's Weekly Update

Our country certainly faces difficult challenges in the coming days, from the unsustainable state of our federal deficit to the sluggish and unstable job market. I will continue to work hard to rein in our government’s debt and facilitate an environment where businesses can innovate, expand, and hire people.

As November continues, I am humbled that the residents of Virginia’s First District have placed their trust in me again to represent them in Washington. Virginia is a fantastic place to live, and I am honored to serve the First District in the House of Representatives. Our region has an incredible history and is wonderfully diverse, with folks having their own unique stories of life, priorities and viewpoints. Throughout my time in Congress, I have truly appreciated meeting so many of you and hearing your stories, and I know that during the next two years, your continued engagement will benefit me tremendously.

Our country certainly faces difficult challenges in the coming days, from the unsustainable state of our federal deficit to the sluggish and unstable job market. I will continue to work hard to rein in our government’s debt and facilitate an environment where businesses can innovate, expand, and hire people. At the same time, tax reform is a necessary part of any solution as well, providing economic growth and broadening the revenue base without increasing taxes on our job-creating small businesses. Our economic struggles require smart, commonsense policies to ensure that our children and grandchildren aren’t saddled with additional, unconscionable debt.

The biggest challenge immediately facing our nation is sequestration, which is the name for the debilitating cuts to our nation’s defense that are set to go in effect in January. Our military’s leaders have declared that cuts of this magnitude would be “devastating,” and Congress simply cannot wait any longer to address them. The House has passed legislation to deal with these cuts, and the Senate and White House must follow suit and show leadership on this issue. I am committed to ensuring that our military is the strongest in the world, and I will continue to fight to prevent these cuts.

From small business owners in Yorktown, to farmers in the Northern Neck and Middle Peninsula, to the brave men and women who serve our nation at places like Dahlgren, A.P. Hill, and Quantico, to the federal employees who commute by train to Washington each day, the First District is full of phenomenal citizens who contribute so much to their communities, the Commonwealth, and the nation. Again, I am truly honored to serve each of you in the People’s House.

As the 112th Session of Congress continues this November and December, I hope that you will all continue to interact with me. Your thoughts and opinions are an intrinsic part of the legislative process. I can be reached by phone at (202) 225-4261, by email on my website (, via Twitter (, and on Facebook (