Happy New Year to the folks of America's First District! This past year I enjoyed meeting and visiting with many of you at various events and meetings in Fredericksburg, Tappahannock, Yorktown and Washington, DC. 2010 brought a year of action in Congress and an election where folks spoke out about the state of this country's government. Since Election Day, we have seen changes forthcoming for the new Congress to make the work of the people more transparent. The first task for the new Congress will be to read the Constitution on the House Floor to set the tone for business. Earmarks are banned because the system by which earmarks are awarded is broken. We have arranged to have cameras installed within the Rules Committee which is the last stop for legislation before it comes up for consideration on the House Floor. Even House Committee sizes have been reduced to allow for more effective work. The beginnings of spending reform have been instituted to make it harder to increase spending. I believe the most important work Congress can do is institute policies that pave the way for American innovation and entrepreneurs to create jobs. And, in order to create more certainty and a solid future, Congress must reign in spending.
Just as Congress adjourned for the session, I was honored to humbly accept a new position as Chairman of the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations for the 112th Congress. This is a critical time in the defense of our nation as any federal spending is under more pressure and scrutiny. Defense policies and spending levels have been questioned sharply. The First District is proudly home to a large military presence, with many honorable service men and women sacrificing in the name of our nation's security. I look forward to tackling the challenges before the nation and the committee to both support our troops and keep our nation safe.
As the year closes and a new year begins, we often look ahead to the new year with resolutions. A few days ago, I asked constituents on Facebook and Twitter what resolutions Congress should have for the new session of Congress. Many folks supported more fiscal responsibility and upholding the Constitution among many of the ideas. On January 5, 2011, a new Congress will be sworn into office with a Republican majority. It is my hope that as we begin a new session of Congress you will share your thoughts with me on what resolutions Congress must make for the new year and your thoughts as we begin to see legislation from the new majority. Please continue to be in touch through email on my website (www.wittman.house.gov), by phone at 202-225-4261, or on Facebook (www.facebook.com/reprobwittman) and Twitter (www.twitter.com/robwittman). May you and yours have a blessed New Year.
Congressman Rob Wittman represents the First District of Virginia. He was elected to his second full term in November 2010 and serves on the Natural Resources Committee and the Armed Services Committee.