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Wittman Reappointed Vice Chairman of Armed Services Committee, Chairman of Tactical Air & Land Forces Subcommittee

WASHINGTON – Today, Congressman Rob Wittman (VA-01) was reappointed as vice chairman of the House Armed Services Committee (HASC) and chairman of the Tactical Air & Land Forces (TAL) Subcommittee for the duration of the 119th Congress. The congressman served in these roles during the 118th Congress, building on his long track record of leadership on the committee.

“I am honored to return to the House Armed Services Committee as vice chairman of the full committee and as chairman of the Tactical Air & Land Forces Subcommittee,” said Congressman Wittman. “We are at a critical juncture in our nation’s history, and I am committed to using my leadership roles to enable our troops to combat ongoing threats from China, Russia, Iran and its proxies, and North Korea. While ensuring every dollar authorized for defense is spent effectively and efficiently, we will provide the U.S. military with authorities and resources required to deter a near-term major war, and if necessary, prevail in conflict. I am confident that we will remain a strong, bipartisan committee under Chairman Rogers’ leadership, and I am deeply appreciative of his trust in me.”

As vice chairman of the full committee, Rep. Wittman will continue to partner with Chairman Mike Rogers (R-AL) to help the committee balance the demands of immediate threats with the modernization efforts required to prevail in long-term Great Power Competition — while always putting service members first. As chairman of the TAL Subcommittee, Rep. Wittman will continue to oversee HASC’s largest portfolio of modernization programs, with vast ramifications for the future of the U.S. military’s ground and air forces and munitions stockpiles.

“I am thrilled that Rep. Rob Wittman will continue to serve as Vice-Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee and Chairman of the Subcommittee on Tactical Air and Land Forces in the 119th Congress,” said Chairman Rogers. “Rep. Wittman has long been a strong leader on the House Armed Services Committee and a vocal advocate for modernizing our military. This Congress, we will continue our work to expedite the fielding of innovative technologies to support our war fighters.”

As a member of the HASC since he came to Congress in 2007, Congressman Wittman has served as chairman and ranking member of four subcommittees, of which he’s delivered the following results:

Tactical Air & Land Forces Chairman 

  • Led the effort to establish the Center of Excellence for Electronic Warfare
  • Increased funding for Counter Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Systems in the Army
  • Championed support for the Air Force’s Collaborative Combat Aircraft
  • Led provisions to maximize the use of all available production capacity at Radford Army Ammunition Plant
  • Created a Joint Energetics Transition Office to increase the lethality of U.S. munitions
  • Provided critical oversight for the F-35 program

Seapower & Projection Forces Chairman 

  • Chaired the investigation into the Fitzgerald-McCain at-sea collision and worked with the Navy to implement corrective actions to manning and readiness shortfalls that led to the catastrophe
  • Ensured the successful modernization glide path for the B-21 Bomber and Columbia-class Submarine, two of the three legs of our nuclear triad
  • Worked with the Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force to ensure we have the correct force and power projection to counter any and all Chinese, Russian, or Iranian threats from the land, air, or sea

Readiness Chairman 

  • Held the line and opposed the administration's Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) efforts; pushed for a data- and fact-driven process; requested assessment of excess capacity to streamline the process and introduce efficiencies
  • Called attention to readiness shortfalls through hearings and press efforts
  • Supported increases to military construction funding
  • Directed assessments of military department plans to rebuild readiness, enhance exercises, and modernize training

Oversight & Investigations (O&I) Chairman 

  • Directed O&I Subcommittee Report detailing recidivism rates among combatants released from Guantanamo Bay
  • Led a series of hearings highlighting mismanagement at Arlington National Cemetery and efforts to fix errors and modernize systems; held monthly meetings with the Executive Director of Army National Cemeteries to track progress; introduced H.R. 2209, stand-alone legislation to establish a chain of command for Army National Military Cemeteries
  • Authored a measure included in the House-passed FY13 NDAA to bolster the structure of leadership at Arlington National Cemetery
