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Wittman Named Hero of Main Street by the National Retail Federation

WASHINGTON – This past month, Congressman Rob Wittman (VA-01) was presented the Hero of Main Street Award by the National Retail Federation (NRF) for his work supporting the American small businesses community through his legislative action and leadership.

“Virginia’s First District is home to thousands of small businesses and retailers, and I’m proud to support them through my work in Congress,” said Rep. Wittman. “Thank you to the National Retail Federation for this honor, and for their incredible work supporting small business retailers across Virginia and the nation.”

“The retail industry directly impacts every congressional district in the United States, providing goods, services and American jobs,” said NRF Executive Vice President of Government Relations David French. “NRF is honored to recognize Rep. Rob Wittman as a ‘Hero of Main Street’ for their continued support of the retail industry through legislative action and leadership.” 

Congressman Wittman has advanced the following pieces of legislation to advocate on behalf of Virginia’s First District’s small businesses:

  • Cosponsored H.R. 4721, the Main Street Tax Certainty Act:

    • Permanently extends tax deductions for small and family-owned businesses, giving them greater flexibility to invest in new employees, expansion, or their communities

  • Cosponsored H.R. 385, the Small Business Regulatory Flexibility Improvements Act:

    • Requires federal agencies to take into account the economic impacts of certain rulemaking on American small businesses

  • Voted for H.R. 1606, the Veteran Entrepreneurship Training Act:

    • Authorizes the “Boots to Business Program,” which provides entrepreneurship training to veterans and active duty members of the military
