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Wittman Commemorates 80th Anniversary of D-Day in Normandy, France

WASHINGTON – This past week, House Armed Services Committee Vice Chairman Rob Wittman (R-VA) returned from a bipartisan congressional delegation to Normandy, France to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day invasion. The congressman took part in observance of the anniversary along with veterans and their families, active duty servicemembers, government and military officials, and foreign dignitaries.

“Eighty years ago, thousands of Allied soldiers landed on the beaches of Normandy and changed the course of history,” Congressman Wittman said.“While paying our respects in Normandy, we remembered their courage and the sacrifices they made for the betterment of mankind.”

Congressman Wittman paid his respects at the gravesite of 2nd Lt. John Moore Paxton, Jr. of Virginia, who is laid to rest at Suresnes American Cemetery and Memorial outside of Paris.

While at Suresnes American Cemetery and Memorial, the congressman also paid his respects to Cpl. John P. Driscoll, another Virginian.
Congressman Wittman at the Suresnes American Cemetery and Memorial, the final resting place of U.S. troops of both World Wars. 

Congressman Wittman was greeted by Charles K. Djou, secretary of the American Battle Monuments Commission and former member of Congress from Hawaii, upon arrival at Suresnes American Cemetery and Memorial.

Congressman Wittman and Congressman Carlos Gimenez (R-FL) met with Medal of Honor recipient and Virginia’s First District resident Capt. Harvey Barnum (USMC), who was awarded the Medal of Honor for his heroic actions in the midst of heavy enemy fire, motivating his men to victory while evacuating the dead and wounded during combat in Vietnam.

Congressman Wittman with Congressman Scott Franklin (R-FL) after paying tribute to World War II veterans.

After departing Normandy, Congressman Wittman met with members of the French National Assembly in Paris to discuss the U.S.-France relationship and how the two nations can strengthen their economic, diplomatic, and military partnerships.

Congressman Wittman’s view of the French National Assembly in Paris.
