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Wittman House Floor Remarks on FY24 NDAA

Today, Congressman Rob Wittman (R-VA), vice chairman of the House Armed Services Committee and chairman of the Tactical Air and Land Forces Subcommittee, delivered the following remarks on the House Floor in support of the FY24 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

Congressman Wittman’s remarks as prepared for delivery:

“I thank the Chairman for yielding.

War is on our doorstep. With the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Iran’s proxy conflict with Israel, North Korea’s long range ballistic missile development, and China’s belligerence in the South China Sea, an axis of evil is rising again. These nations seek to challenge the world order that has provided our nation’s prosperity since World War II.

But we are answering the call with this year’s NDAA. We drafted this bill to address these growing national security threats, while taking care of our servicemembers.  

This bill increases the defense topline to pace with our national security challenges.  

This bill provides a 5.2% service member pay increase, the largest increase in 20 years.

This bill provides a path for COVID vaccine servicemembers to be reinstated.

This bill curbs a reckless administration’s diversity, equity and inclusion appetite that detracts from warfighting. 

This bill provides a Davidson window force structure focus by retaining needed aircraft and ships, preparing us to deter conflict before 2030.

My friends, this is the right bill at the right time. We need it urgently to deter catastrophic conflict.  

I also want to recognize Ranking Member Norcross. He is a great teammate and colleague who equally values our servicemembers.

In conclusion, I thank the Chairman, urge members to support, and yield the balance of my time.”
