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Wittman Statement on Biden-Xi Meeting

Congressman Rob Wittman (VA-01), vice chairman of the House Armed Services Committee and member of the Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party, released the following statement ahead of Wednesday’s meeting between President Biden and Xi Jinping:

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. After sending a series of U.S. cabinet officials to China over the past year without any tangible outcomes, it is baffling that President Biden is willing to meet with authoritarian dictator Xi Jinping without making any demands.

Any meeting between U.S. and Chinese Communist Party officials should only be held if China agrees to establish reasonable requirements to stop the flow of fentanyl; to cease all near-collisions and dangerous intercepts of U.S. ships and aircraft; to cease harassment of Philippine vessels around the Second Thomas shoal; and to cease all military operations in Taiwan’s Air Defense Identification Zone east of the Median Line.

President Biden must send a clear message that America will not tolerate the People’s Liberation Army’s increasing military aggression or the Chinese Communist Party’s insidious attempts to advance their malign agenda.”
