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Wittman Supports Conservative Measure to Keep Government Open

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Rob Wittman (VA-01) today released the following statement after voting for the Continuing Appropriations Act, 2024 and Other Extensions Act

“Congress has a responsibility to keep our government open and operating in order to provide essential services to our constituents, while at the same time ensuring the government functions responsibly and effectively. We also have a responsibility to ensure our brave men and women in uniform and our border patrol agents continue to be paid for their service, which this bill will ensure. 

“With the fiscal year ending tonight, a stop-gap measure was necessary to avoid the government shutdown and keep the government open so Congress can continue to reduce spending by passing all appropriations bills. 

“House Republicans have a clear plan to pass the remaining House appropriations bills over the next month, well before the new November 17 deadline, which will allow us to combat the waste and overreach of the Biden administration. 

“However, as a longtime advocate for fiscal responsibility, I am frustrated that Congress has once again resorted to a short-term, stop-gap funding measure instead of returning to regular order to pass all 12 appropriations bills before the end of the fiscal year. I’ve continually said that Members of Congress should work through August instead of taking a break for recess in order to get our funding bills passed on time. That is why I’ve continued to introduce legislation that would bring transparency back to the budget process and hold Members of Congress accountable for not completing their work on time.

“We have a responsibility to ensure government functions responsibly and effectively for the American people, and I remain committed to providing a path to fiscal certainty for our federal government.”

Congressman Wittman has consistently introduced legislation throughout his time in Congress that would hold Members of Congress accountable and bring transparency and accountability back to the budget process: