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Wittman Introduces National Small Business Workplace Solutions Week Resolution

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congressman Rob Wittman (VA-01) introduced his resolution, H.Res.255 – expressing support for the designation of the week of March 27th through March 31st, 2023 as National Small Business Workplace Solutions Week.

“Small businesses are what keep our communities strong ,” said Congressman Wittman. “They create new jobs, encourage innovation and competition, and stimulate our local economies. The strength and commitment to service of small businesses were especially highlighted during the COVID-19 pandemic where they worked tirelessly to support their communities in a time of great uncertainty. I am proud to introduce H.Res.225 to express support for the designation of the week of March 27th to March 31st as National Small Business Workplace Solutions Week and contribute to the recognition of the incredible work of small businesses owners throughout the First District, the Commonwealth, and the nation.”

To read the resolution, click here or scroll below.




Expressing support for the designation of the week of March 27 through March 31, 2023, as “National Small Business Workplace Solutions Week”.




MARCH 27, 2023


Mr. Wittman submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce




Expressing support for the designation of the week of March 27 through March 31, 2023, as ‘‘National Small Business Workplace Solutions Week’’. 


Whereas small businesses create 1,500,000 jobs annually; 


Whereas small businesses account for 64 percent of new jobs created in the United States; 


Whereas small businesses in the workplace solutions industry continue to be critical to helping small businesses and their employees through the transitions needed during COVID–19 and the delta variant; 


Whereas the workplace solutions industry continues to be essential in providing personal protective equipment to first responders, law enforcement, schools, businesses, and local government during this pandemic; 


Whereas the workplace solutions industry continues to be a critical resource to local, State, and Federal agencies, providing necessary personal protective equipment, cleaning solutions, and office equipment to help keep them safe and operational; 


Whereas the workplace solutions industry continues to be essential in responding to the needs of those in their communities who need it the most by supplying them with office furniture and equipment to help them transition to virtual workspaces; and


Whereas small businesses employ 61,700,000 workers in communities throughout the United States: Now, therefore, be it


Resolved, That the House of Representatives— 

  1. supports the designation of “National Small Business Workplace Solutions Week”;
  2. recognizes the commitment and essential services provided by the workplace solutions industry; and
  3. recognizes the efforts of the workplace solutions industry to promote safety and provide support for communities throughout the United States.