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Wittman Delivers Remarks on FY24 Defense Budget, TAL Priorities at McAleese & Associates 14th Annual FY2024 Defense Programs Conference

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congressman Rob Wittman (VA-01), Vice Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, delivered remarks at the McAleese & Associates 14th Annual FY2024 Defense Programs Conference. During his remarks, Congressman Wittman discussed the FY24 Defense Budget, the growing threats we face from the Chinese Communist Party, as well as his top priorities this Congress as Chairman of the Tactical Air and Land Forces Subcommittee. 

“The Chinese Communist Party remains the most pressing threat the United States has faced in 30 years – it is the threat of our lifetime. Beijing’s recent announcement that they will grow their military budget by over 7% this year should serve as a sobering reminder that the CCP is building a world-class military to drive America out of the Pacific. As we react to President Biden’s FY24 Budget, Congress must recognize that our national defense strategy must dictate our budget – we must not shy away from the robust investment needed to ensure our military remains the most capable fighting force the world has ever known. 

“I appreciate the opportunity to speak at the 14th Annual FY2024 Defense Programs Conference – I will continue to push for on time funding for the United States military as well as our entire Federal government. Now is no time for the United States to falter, and I believe Congress would be correct to question if the President’s budget truly reflects strong commitment to reckon with the new and growing threats we face around the world.” 

To view photos from today’s conference, please click the attached images.