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Wittman Statement on Continuing Resolution

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, Congressman Wittman issued the following statement after voting against the Continuing Resolution:

“Today’s passage of a Continuing Resolution – a harmful, short-term solution to a long-term problem – emphasizes the lack of accountability in Congress. This situation was completely avoidable; however, it is another example that a ‘budgeting by crisis’ mentality remains the status-quo in Washington. Continuing Resolutions are not only irresponsible, but they also create damaging limitations on funding new programs and are especially harmful to our nation’s military readiness. We must change this new normal of relying on a Continuing Resolution to do Congress’ most basic responsibility of passing a budget. I will continue to work to bring accountability and transparency back to Washington and pass a permanent solution that will offer fiscal certainty and stability for our nation.”

Congressman Wittman has consistently introduced legislation throughout his time in Congress that would hold Members of Congress accountable and bring transparency and accountability back to the budget process: The Stay on Schedule (S.O.S) Resolution, the No Budget, No Pay Act, and the Inaction Has Consequences Act. To learn more about this legislation, click here