WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, on Public Health Thank You Day, Congressman Rob Wittman (VA-01) announced the introduction of House Concurrent Resolution 117, commending public health professionals for their dedication and service to the United States.
“Public health professionals play a central and significant role in ensuring our nation’s safety,” said Congressman Wittman. “Their strength and resilience in the face of extreme challenges is one of the many factors that makes our nation an incredible place to call home. With 26 years of experience working in the Virginia Department of Health before coming to Congress, I recognize and appreciate that research and practice are vital to the security, economic development, and wellbeing of citizens throughout our nation. I have been fortunate to meet many of the dedicated public health professionals that live in Virginia’s First District, and I am appreciative of everything they do to support our communities. Recognizing these dedicated individuals through this Resolution on Public Health Thank You Day 2022 is the least we can do to honor the service and sacrifice of our public health professionals.”
To view H.Con.Res.117 in honor of “Public Health Thank You Day,” November 21, 2022, click here.