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Wittman Supports National Security, Votes Against Wasteful Government Spending

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, Congressman Rob Wittman (VA-01), Vice Ranking Member on the House Armed Services Committee, supported increasing our national security and defense funding by voting in support of both H.R, 6969 – Suspending Energy Imports from Russia Act and the national security and defense portion of H.R. 2471, Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2022, while voting against wasteful government spending in his vote against the non-security portion of H.R. 2471, Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2022. After his votes today, Congressman Wittman stated:

“My votes today not only held Members of Congress accountable for their wasteful government spending and broken process that led to a five-month delay of critical funding, but they ensured that additional funding was properly allocated to supporting our warfighter, increasing national defense and security capabilities, and holding Russia and China accountable.

“Today was also a major success for our nation’s defense both today and for future generations. Passage of the national security and defense portion of H.R. 2471 will provide $782 billion in defense spending, an increase of $29.4 billion from President Biden’s budget submission, which I worked to secure through last year’s passage of the FY22 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). This funding fully reverses President Biden’s reckless cuts to our national security, restores funding for shipbuilding, and includes a pay raise for our men and women in uniform, while providing them with the tools and resources they need to be successful. Not only is this funding critical for our national security, but it is also vital to the Commonwealth of Virginia. With many ships built, maintained, and repaired in Virginia, and a major defense and industrial footprint, the Commonwealth’s economy especially stands to benefit from additional defense funding. 

“In light of the ongoing crisis between Russia and Ukraine, and the increasingly dangerous world with adversaries such as China increasing their capabilities, this additional support for our nation’s defense will enable us to invest in the modernization and readiness needed for the United States military to remain a global leader and outpace our competitors. During these difficult and dangerous times it is imperative to portray U.S. military strength and leadership to the rest of the world.

“My vote against the non-security portion of H.R. 2471, Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2022, was not only a vote against excessive government spending on far-left policy agenda items, but it was also a vote against the incredibly broken process we have unfortunately grown accustomed to in Washington. Had Members of Congress gotten their work for the American people done on time, this legislation could have been debated through regular order and passed by September 2021. However, because of Washington’s inability to complete their most basic of duties, we found ourselves budgeting by crisis multiple times through short-term Continuing Resolutions. It is my sincere hope that Members will learn from this broken process, and return to a transparent budgeting process through regular order for Fiscal Year 2023. This can be done by enacting my Stay on Schedule plan, which would force Speaker Pelosi to keep Congress in town until all 12 appropriations bills are passed, instead of adjourning for the August recess.

“Finally, the passage of H.R. 6968 – Suspending Energy Imports from Russia Act, sends an unequivocal message to Putin that the United States’ will not tolerate Putin’s barbaric and unprovoked attacks on Ukraine. Banning Russian oil imports is an overdue step to not only hold Russia accountable for these inhumane actions, but also to highlight the need to reverse the Biden administration’s anti-energy policies and unleash American energy potential through the tools and resources we have right here at home.”