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Wittman Votes NO on Articles to Impeach President Trump

WASHINGTON – Congressman Rob Wittman (VA-01) released this statement after NO on Articles of Impeachment against President Donald Trump:

“Following the release of reports from the Oversight, Intelligence, Foreign Affairs, and Judiciary Committees, it is clear the hearings held by House Democrats over the last month have by no means proved President Trump committed an impeachable offense. Unhappy with the results of the election, House Democrats have been working to build a case for impeachment since the day President Trump took office. Speaker Pelosi said from the beginning that the impeachment must be ‘compelling, overwhelming, and bipartisan;’ and today, none of those are true. In actuality, there is one thing bipartisan about this impeachment: the opposition to it.

“There is a reason why only three presidents have gone through this before – it is supposed to be an exceedingly rare occurrence. The founders warned against a single party impeachment because it would divide the country – and that is what we are seeing right now, we are seeing Democrats weaponize the impeachment process and I am worried for the precedent this will set for the future.

“The majority has wasted the Fall by being solely focused on impeachment – leading us to pass two continuing resolutions, miss important deadlines for the NDAA, and leave funding to the last minute. I believe we need to be focused on solving problems and working on solutions for our constituents. The American people are sick of this partisan stalemate. I hope in the beginning of the next session we can get back to the real issues – finding a bipartisan solution to lowering the price of prescription drugs, creating an infrastructure package, reforming our broken budget process, and expanding access to broadband in rural areas.”