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Wittman Introduces Bill to Ban First Class Flights on Taxpayers’ Dime

WASHINGTON – To continue his fight for Congressional accountability, Congressman Rob Wittman (VA-01) introduced HR 626, the No Congressional First Class Flights Act. This bill would prohibit Members of Congress from flying in first class on flights, and instead require they fly coach for official travel.

“When traveling for official business, Members of Congress should not have special privileges,” Wittman said. “If Members are using taxpayer money to fly, they should fly like most taxpayers. When I travel, I fly coach because I believe being in Congress is about public service, not abusing hard-earned American tax dollars.  We need accountability in Congress, and that starts with the Members themselves.

“We are in a government shutdown; Members should be staying in Washington to reopen our government and secure our border, not jumping on planes the moment votes are over and using taxpayer money to fly first class. I have been urging the Speaker for weeks: keep us in town so we can get this done. Instead, votes were canceled tomorrow,” said Wittman.

Congressman Wittman will continue his effort to reform how Congress works and end business as usual in Washington. For years Congressman Wittman has introduced the No Budget No Pay Act that says if Congress doesn’t pass a budget on time Members don’t get a paycheck, and the Stay on Schedule Resolution that says if Congress doesn’t pass all appropriations bills by July 31, the House should stay in session and continue its work instead of adjourning for August recess. He believes that we must work for a permanent solution that will provide a path to fiscal certainty for our federal agencies.

Congressman Rob Wittman represents the 1st District of Virginia. He serves on the House Natural Resources Committee and the House Armed Services Committee, where he serves as the ranking member of the Seapower and Projection Forces Subcommittee.