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Wittman: We Must Secure Our Border


Wittman: We Must Secure Our Border


WASHINGTON – Congressman Rob Wittman (VA-01) released this statement after voting against government funding bills that lacked the necessary resources for border security:


“I am disappointed in Speaker Pelosi for bringing an omnibus spending package that throws out the bipartisan appropriations work of the House for FY2019 and bringing to the floor a package of exclusively Senate bills. The House worked hard this past year working these bills through regular order only to be tossed out at the last minute. Instead, we are voting on bills that have had no input from House Members and did not go through regular order. This is no way to govern. In addition, the Speaker knows this bill has no chance to be signed by the president, and therefore would fail to reopen the government. This vote was a partisan attempt to circumvent calls for border security. Congress needs to pass measures that enhance border security, which includes physical barriers such as fences or a wall.


“Separately, Speaker Pelosi brought to the floor a Continuing Resolution (CR) for the Department of Homeland Security that would run out of funding in just over a month. We should not be funding our government through CRs – they are a short-term solution to a long-term problem. This CR not only does not include the funding necessary to secure our border, but President Trump has indicated he would not sign it.


“Two weeks ago the House did its job to keep the government open and secure our borders, but the Senate did not act. This situation was completely avoidable; I said it this summer and I’ll say it again now, Members of Congress should’ve worked through August to pass all the appropriations bills through regular order. The federal workforce, however, should not suffer for Congress’ inaction and deserves the certainty of proper funding to do their jobs. To protect them during this lapse in appropriations, Representative Beyer (D-VA-8) and I introduced legislation again today that would guarantee back pay to all furloughed federal workers. I urge the Speaker to bring this stand-alone bill to the floor immediately.”


Congressman Rob Wittman represents the 1st District of Virginia. He serves on the House Natural Resources Committee and the House Armed Services Committee.


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