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My first and most important job is serving you. Here are some ways I can help.
Take the Poll: Should we send troops to the border?
April 12, 2018
National Defense
Last week, President Trump authorized the deployment of the National Guard to the southern border to aid Border Patrol in its mission. Following the President’s request—an approach also utilized by Presidents Bush and Obama—Secretary of Defense James Mattis formally authorized the funding for 4,000 National Guard troops. The President’s memo directing the National Guard to the border emphasizes that our nation’s lack of border security has reached a crisis point. Drugs pouring over the border fuel the opioid epidemic and the unchecked stream of illegal immigration continues to threaten the rule of law while creating an undue burden on the American taxpayer. I believe deployed troops will support Border Patrol by providing desperately needed resources to deter the current and expected rise in illegal border crossings and to enforce the laws already on the books. As states begin to send troops, I want to know what you think. Do you think the National Guard should be deployed to the southern border? Yes No I don’t know Click here to take the poll. Thanks for taking the time to share you thoughts with me. It's an honor to serve you and Virginia's First District in the People's House. Sincerely, Rob |