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Poll: What should POTUS do?


As the Chairman of the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Seapower and Projection Forces, I keep a careful eye on major international events that continuously unfold around the world; these events play a significant role in our daily lives and frequently impact our national and personal interests. Lately, there has been speculation that President Trump will not recertify the 2015 Iran Nuclear Deal, so I wanted to take a moment and have a dialogue with you on this issue.

The 2015 Iran Nuclear Deal is up for recertification on October 15th, as the Iran deal requires recertification every 90 days. If President Trump chooses not to recertify the deal, Congress will have 60 days to decide if we should reimpose sanctions—effectively ending U.S. participation in the Iran Nuclear Deal.

The president has been outspoken about his issues with the deal, and many believe that although Iran has not explicitly violated the fine print of the deal, they have violated its spirit. The de facto violation comes through their continued support for groups such as Hezbollah, Hamas, and militias in Syria and Yemen; moreover, Iran has continued to test ballistic missiles—even though this deal prohibits them from making nuclear warheads.

As always, I appreciate your insight into these complex issues—that is why I want your opinion.

Should the President recertify the 2015 Iran Nuclear Deal?
I Don’t Know
Click here to take the poll.

I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts with me. Your opinion helps shape my thinking as I represent you in Washington.
