Dear Friend-
Earlier this week President Trump announced the United States’ renewed commitment to our operations in Afghanistan.
The Administration’s new strategy:
• Ends the era of giving the enemy our timeline to withdraw troops
• Shifts the focus of our presence in Afghanistan to national security instead of nation building
• Strengthens our partnership with India to promote stability and common values in the region
• Changes the status quo of relations with Pakistan to prevent safe havens for terrorists
• Cost effectively integrates diplomatic, economic, and military forces to work towards peace
President Trump’s strategy lets conditions on the ground, not arbitrary timetables and micromanagement from Washington, determine military decisions, ensuring our troops have all the resources needed to protect our nation and defeating terrorists.
I believe the Administration’s new vision will set our troops up for success, protect vital U.S. interests in the area, and ensure Afghanistan does not serve as a haven for terrorism.
I want to know what you think. Please take a moment to respond to the short survey below.
Which part of this strategy do you feel will do the most to protect US interests in the region and keep Americans safe?
Ending arbitrary deadlines to withdraw troops
Strengthening our partnership with India
Changing approach to Pakistan relations
Commitment to a stable and secure Afghanistan to protect our nation’s interests
All of the above
None of the above
I don’t know
I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts with me. Your opinion helps shape my thinking as I represent you in Washington.