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Weekly Updates

Wittman’s Weekly: “We the People” are free

| Posted in Weekly Updates

Today, our nation celebrates independence. Over the past 244 years, the United States has proven itself to be a resilient nation. Through the sacrifice, determination and fortitude of its citizens, the United States will continue to be a great democracy, one that fights for justice, strives for economic success, and prioritizes national security. Right now, we find ourselves in an…

Wittman’s Weekly: Republican solutions for JUSTICE

| Posted in Weekly Updates

Over the past few weeks, our nation has undergone an emotional upheaval. Many ideas have circulated as to how we move forward from these difficult times, and many folks around the country have called for radical changes.  Throughout these times, I have called on our communities to bring commonsense solutions to many of the issues that have been raised, and I have called on my…

Wittman’s Weekly: We Must Come Together

| Posted in Weekly Updates

Our nation is in anguish as we mourn the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and many others who have died tragically and needlessly. The failures of the system designed to protect and serve our communities regardless of the color of someone’s skin must end. We can and must do better to ensure equality, equity, and equal treatment for all. Through these trying times, we…

Wittman's Weekly: Working for You During COVID Response

| Posted in Weekly Updates

Throughout the federal, state, and local response to the health and economic impacts of the Coronavirus, I’ve been a leading voice in the Commonwealth on getting our state on the road to recovery while championing critical issues that matter most to the people in our area. In my time in Congress, I have been a vocal advocate for expanding rural broadband service to the underserved in…

Wittman's Weekly: We Must Be Focused

| Posted in Weekly Updates

Throughout the response to the health and economic impacts of COVID-19, I have been working diligently with my colleagues in Congress, as well as my contacts at all levels of government, to ensure that resources, assistance, and funds reach folks here in the Commonwealth. State and local governments have been pivotal to Coronavirus response and the federal government has been working to…

Wittman's Weekly: Spreading Good News

| Posted in Weekly Updates

It is undeniable, COVID-19 has upended our everyday lives. It has impacted our health, economy, response systems, communities, and relationships. During this difficult time, millions of Americans have stepped up and displayed extraordinary examples of patriotism. A few weeks ago, I put out a call for stories of companies, small businesses, organizations, or individuals who have gone…

Wittman's Weekly: April Resources Roundup

| Posted in Weekly Updates

This past April has been unlike one we have ever experienced. It is undeniable, COVID-19 has upended our everyday lives and has left an indelible mark on our nation. It has impacted our health, economy, response systems, communities, and relationships. During this difficult time, I have been working to keep you as updated as possible on resources available to you, federal actions, and…

Wittman's Weekly: We Work, We Fight, We Rise.

| Posted in Weekly Updates

This week, Congress briefly returned to Washington to pass legislation to continue to fight the COVID-19. This was the first time the full House of Representatives has met since passing the CARES Act at the end of March. Included in the CARES Act was the creation of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) – a program designed to allow small businesses to receive loans to keep their…

Wittman's Weekly: Virginians Helping Virginians

| Posted in Weekly Updates

It is undeniable, COVID-19 has upended our everyday lives and has left an indelible mark on our nation. It has impacted our health, economy, response systems, communities, and relationships. During this difficult time, millions of Americans have stepped up and put extraordinary examples of patriotism on display. A few weeks ago, I put out a call for stories of companies, small businesses,…

Wittman’s Weekly: Budget Process 101

| Posted in Weekly Updates

Our nation’s debt is out of control – almost $23 trillion dollars. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates that during the next 10 years, federal debt held by the public will surge from 81 percent to 98 percent of GDP — the highest debt level since just after World War II and more than twice the average level of the past 50 years. This week, we received the President’s Budget for…