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Health Care

Before serving in Congress, I earned my master’s degree in public health and spent 26 years working for the Virginia Department of Health. I understand the importance of not only focusing on public health but also the need to fix our broken healthcare system.

I believe we must reform our healthcare system to provide quality, affordable healthcare to every American. I support a plan that: protects the vulnerable – especially those with pre-existing conditions, empowers individuals with greater control over their health care choices and dollars, and personalizes health care to meet individual needs and reduce premiums, deductibles, and the overall cost of health care. We should focus on patient-provider centered reforms: I want to ensure you have the option to see a doctor of your choice and that you can keep your health insurance. Individuals and families should have the ability to make decisions for themselves based on what fits their needs, wants, and budget, not what is dictated by the federal government. 

As co-chair of the Public Health Caucus in Congress, it is my duty to bring attention to public health and prevention issues and support federal policies that result in improved overall health for citizens across the United States. We must look for ways to expand choices for consumers and ensure the public can access coverage and enhance transparency in our healthcare system. I am committed to protecting Virginians and raising awareness about how public health issues impact lives and communities.